Pipette Bakery - About Us

Pipette Bakery is a small, family-owned home bakery located in Oregon, WI. We strive to produce high-quality products and are so thrilled to fulfill whatever your baked good needs. Whether you want  several batches of cookies or cupcakes -- for weddings, meetings, or birthday parties -- or simply a batch of brownies for a night in with friends (or, let's be honest, a night in alone watching a Rom-Com cuddled up with some brownies and ice cream sounds pretty good right about now, amiright?), we are here for you! Simply submit a message on the contact page, send us an email directly, or send us a direct message on Facebook or instagram and we will check our calendar to verify the date you want. Treats will be either delivered to you for a small fee or you may pick them up at Doxa Church for free on an agreed upon date and time. Check out our 'FAQs' Page for more information.

About the baker: I am the wife of a very supportive, loving husband and a stay-at-home momma of 4 cute, busy, crazy, fun-loving kiddos who keep me on my toes! Aside from mommying, I have a genuine love for the science of baking (I could spend all day in my kitchen tweaking recipes - my kids don't hate it!). What a blessing it is to be able to share my love with you. Thank you so much for checking us out and I hope to see you soon! 

Our motivation for starting and maintaining this business is our desire to give back to Madison, our nation, and the world. All profits earned from your support will be used to help disadvantaged families, schools, and organizations here in Madison, WI, as well as many other places in need throughout our world. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for checking us out and we hope to meet you soon!